Addressing the need to optimize and simplify customer signatures required for banking operations, regulations, and procedures through electronic consent, the primary objective of the "Digital Consent" project is to implement digital consent mechanisms, initially focusing on individual customers and documents requiring immediate optimization. Subsequently, the architecture will be expanded to accommodate various customer types. The approach will rely on the reuse of existing platforms already implemented in other banking solutions, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and rapid implementation.

Primary Objectives:

I) Efficient Customer Signatures: The project aims to optimize the process of obtaining customer signatures required for various banking operations, regulatory compliance, and procedural requirements through electronic consent. II) Reduction of Administrative Activities: A key focus is on reducing administrative activities associated with managing customer signatures, front office, and secretarial tasks, achieved through the adoption of digital processes. III) Architecture Expansion: As the project progresses, the architecture will be expanded to include various customer types, ensuring scalability and adaptability to diverse banking needs. IV) Reuse of Existing Platforms: Leveraging existing platforms implemented in other banking solutions will be a key strategy, promoting consistency, reducing development times, and maximizing the value of previous investments.

Project Phases:

I) Planning and Preliminary Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of current signature proces-

Digital Consent

-ses, regulatory requirements, and existing authentication mechanisms to identify improvement opportunities and the feasibility of electronic consent implementation, with a specific focus on reducing administrative activities. II) System Integration and Development: Integrate electronic consent functionality into the banking system, leveraging the dual authentication process. Develop and test the digital consent mechanism, ensuring compatibility, reliability, and security, with a focus on reducing administrative activities. III) Pilot Implementation: Implement the digital consent mechanism in a pilot phase, prioritizing individual customers and documents with high administrative burdens. Validate its effectiveness, gather feedback from stakeholders, and identify any potential issues or challenges before full-scale deployment. IV) Training and Adoption: Provide training and support to bank staff and customers on using the new electronic consent process, emphasizing its role in reducing administrative activities. Promote adoption and ensure a smooth transition from traditional signature methods to digital consent. V) Evaluation and Optimization: Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the electronic consent system, with a specific focus on its impact on reducing administrative activities. Gather user feedback and identify areas for optimization and improvement to further enhance efficiency, usability, and security. VI) Full-scale Deployment: Roll out the electronic consent system on a large scale across all relevant banking operations, ensuring full integration with existing processes and systems. Monitor implementation progress and address any issues or concerns to ensure a successful transition to digital consent mechanisms, with a clear focus on reducing administrative activities.

This approach ensures that the "Digital Consent" project effectively addresses the need for efficient customer signatures while significantly reducing administrative activities.

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